XRTC Infrastructure
Infrastructure Hub:
Common Test Infrastructure (CTI)
A variety of open XRTC hardware designs, SEU test IP and user guides are available. These include active and passive carrier cards, device test cards (DUT), support components, as well as test designs (HDL/Synthesized/Netlists), and software.
Carrier Systems: (slots for DUTs)
- Gen4 Backplane, passive board capable of holding modular DUT, ConfigMon, and FuncMon.
- Gen3 Motherboard, active board with two on-board Virtex-5's serving as ConfigMon and FuncMon; capable of holding one DUT module
- Gen2 Motherboard, active board with two on-board Vitrex-2pro's for ConfigMon and FuncMon; capable of holding one DUT module
FPGA Test Cards: (for in-beam usage as DUT and out-of-beam FuncMon)
- Kintex Ultrascale KU60 cards, Gen4 only, Boeing-led design
- Virtex-7 980T DUT cards, Gen4 only, STS-led design
- Virtex-7 980T/485T Gen2/3/4-compatible cards (the “XRTC straddle card” designed by STS+Raytheon)
- Virtex-7 585T DUT cards, Gen2/3-compatible cards (designed by XRTC founding member JPL)
- Virtex-5QV FX130T DUT cards (designed by Sandia)
- and several other (older FPGA) designs
For immediate use in either beam test development efforts or fault-injection experiments, you can approach the Consortium moderators regarding borrowing existing DUT/FuncMon cards. Of course, you can purchase or build your own copies- most economically as part of a Consortium group buy.